We welcome and honor the whole child in their pursuit of wonder and self-discovery. We believe children learn best in authentic and trusting relationships, and our mission is to provide an environment that helps every child grow holistically while explore Vietnamese and other cultures.
Hoa Mai is the result of a deep and purposeful collaboration between the Vietnamese Friendship Association (Kandelia), Sound Child Care Solutions, and Artspace. Each organization contributes unique strengths and experiences to this partnership.
About our partners
Kandelia (formerly Vietnamese Friendship Association)
Kandelia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1978 to help Vietnamese refugees and immigrants adjust to life in the US after the Vietnam War. Currently, Kandelia’s programs and services focus on four core areas: 1) supporting students to be college- or career-ready; 2) strengthening families to be self-reliant and successful; 3) developing leaders so the Vietnamese community is heard and represented; and 4) engaging with diverse communities to share our culture and learn from others. Their mission is to empower the Vietnamese community to succeed while bridging, preserving, and promoting cultural heritage.
Sound Child Care Solutions
SCCS strives for excellence by intentionally integrating child-centered, high quality, anti-bias early childhood education with effective business practices to create a stable organization that consistently serves children and families. They serve all children with a commitment to ensuring that low income children have real opportunities at each center. They support children’s home language and culture, honoring and integrating families as children’s first and most important teacher. SCCS’ mission is to educate children for life by deeply integrating child-centered, high quality, anti-biased, early childhood education with excellent business practices.
Established in 1979 to serve as an advocate for artists’ space needs, Artspace effectively fulfilled that mission for nearly a decade. By the late 1980s, however, it was clear that the problem required a more proactive approach, and Artspace made the leap from advocate to developer. Since then, the scope of Artspace’s activities has grown dramatically. Artspace is now a national leader in the field of developing affordable space that meets the needs of artists through the adaptive reuse of historic buildings and new construction. Artspace’s mission is to create, foster, and preserve affordable space for artists and arts organizations
Learning environments
Our programs are inspired by the schools of Reggio-Emilia, Italy, where the classroom environment is seen as integral in the learning process—so much so that instructors refer to the classroom as the children’s “third teacher.”
We strive to create classroom environments that are reminiscent of home—places where all families feel a strong sense of belonging and experience affirmation of their identities and cultural ways of being. We are intentional about the materials, colors, lights, shapes, lines and details that come together to create an inviting, affirming, and engaging space.
Our community
Southeast Seattle is home to one of the most diverse communities in the United States, with over 50 different languages spoken. Hoa Mai was designed to honor the diverse cultures of our neighborhood and serve families of all ethnic, racial, social, and economic backgrounds. We focus on preserving and honoring your child’s culture while closing the opportunity gap to ensure that all children have the skills for lifelong success.
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